måndag 20 december 2010

Tag Tuesday Challenge

Wow, jag hann! Precis! Behövde ett kort, som fick bli en tag, enligt utmaningen på Kard Krazy. Det är färgerna gult, grönt och brunt som gäller.

I made it! Just in time... I needed a card, which could as well be a tag, perfect for taking part of this/last weeks challenge in Tag Tuesday!
Thanks again, Louise for sending me so many nice things. In this tag you can see some of the goodies!

5 kommentarer:

  1. Den gillade jag!Kram Lotta

  2. So, so lovely. Wonderful what you did with this color scheme!

  3. Gorgeous and Love the hint of Santa in the background!

  4. Love tag, I love Santa in the background!

  5. Så underbart vackert - vilket djup!
