onsdag 6 oktober 2010

Tag Tuesday Challenge

Dags igen för ett bidrag till Tag Tuesday - fast i dag är det onsdag. Jag är inte så snabb som de som redan i går laddade upp sina bidrag! Men ovanligt snabb tycker jag ändå... Temat är pumpor!

My tag for "Tag Tuesday" this week! Theme: pumpkins. I have used three colors of Distress ink for the tag, then used stamps from Angie B. The small pumpkin is cut out and added with distance tape. A touch of black glitter glue - but as always it is hard to make it show on a photo!

14 kommentarer:

  1. Thank you for visiting my blog...and my pumpkin tag! Your tag is wonderfully drawn....and is an excellent illustration of the fall season!

  2. Sweet tag, love the characters!

  3. What a sweetly stamped tag! Love the color, too.

  4. lovely coours I like the way they run through each other and a cute image

  5. Wonderful bright colours, love the images.

  6. Hvor er det et flot tag. Din baggrund er flot distressed. Søde stempler du har sat sammen.

  7. Such a cute tag you have here..

  8. Very nice tag thanks for sharing!!!

  9. Wonderful work. I love your stencils especially the out house! Debbie
